Men’s Mental Health – Rural Mental Health Perceptions

Mental health stigma is more common in rural areas, as sometimes symptoms of mental illness amongst men can be perceived as having a weak character. Rural males are less likely to seek help and instead use unhealthy coping strategies such as drug and alcohol use to cope with stress. Rural stigma has an everlasting effect, men are more likely to experience poorer mental health outcomes.


Supporting Your Child’s Return to School

With most children transitioning back to school this week, many will be experiencing a range of emotions. It is important to listen to your child and acknowledge how they are feeling.

R U OK at your workplace, What is a Mentally Friendly Workplace?

An employee might face a range of mental health challenges at some point, including stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness, and employers and workplaces fulfil a really important role in protecting the mental health of employees during their careers.

RU OK? In the classroom

For students, learning how to support their peers and talk about how they feel is an important life lesson, so where better to start than in the classroom?

R U OK? People living with disabilities

Centacare’s professional NDIS Support Coordinators and Recovery Coaches will ensure you are fully supported and will assist you in finding the most appropriate services for your Mental and Physical wellbeing.