R U OK? People living with disabilities

News September 2021

R U OK? People living with disabilities

COVID has made these past two years more challenging. Not forgetting the devastating bushfires across our region, and many years of droughts and floods. Living in Regional NSW is beautiful and we are blessed, but like all people, our challenges are at times different to other parts of Australia.

Currently, coping with the many challenges life brings, and varying degrees of lockdown and restrictions that COVID has placed on us all, we should be aware that this can lead to social isolation and increased mental health issues for ourselves, our colleagues, our family, our friends and our communities.
COVID restrictions effect everyone to different degrees, and for people living with disabilities it adds another level of challenge. Having the right Support Coordinator and Recovery Coach in place to stay connected and cared for is important and can add another level of assistance for people with disability.
R U OK campaign encourages us to check in on people who may be struggling with life and help them feel connected, long before they even think about suicide.

Our Support Coordinators and Psychosocial Recovery Coaches believe it is so important to stay connected with participants to recognise the signs of social isolation, to support our participants and ensure everyone has the capacity to reach out and say when they are not okay. Allowing the conversation to begin.
Centacare’s professional NDIS Support Coordinators and Recovery Coaches will ensure you are fully supported and will assist you in finding the most appropriate services for your Mental and Physical wellbeing.

Psychosocial recovery coach (PDF)