Refugee Week, 2022

News June 2022

Refugee Week, 2022

Our Refugee Week Event for this year, 2022 with the Afghan Community.

This year’s theme was ‘Healing’ which was very appropriate. Refugee Week is about acknowledging the long and difficult journey people have made to come to Australia and celebrate the contributions they have made in enriching our local community.

Afghan Community

The Afghan community have had so many things happen to them with the fall of Afghanistan 10 months ago, on 15 August 2021 last year, and recently an earthquake. Many still have family members and friends living in Afghanistan. Last year we received a generous donation from the dioceses for this community.

We  had over 60 Afghan community members attend the event on Sunday at the CWA Hall in Griffith.  Seven families attended and most of the group were  ‘unaccompanied’ males (men still waiting for permission for their families to be granted visas to come to Australia).

The Food

The men prepared all the food for the event.  They prepare chicken which they marinate in a really large saucepan the day before using traditional herbs and spices.  This chicken is placed on metal skewers and cooked on charcoal grills.  The men wait and serve the food to everyone which is really lovely.  The chicken meat once cooked is slid off onto plates where you put it onto Lebanese Bread with mixed salad and a specially made yoghurt dressing of green chillies, garlic and coriander.

It is really yum. We finished with fruit, chocolate and some lollipops for the kids. The kids had a really good time colouring in, playing with toys and playdough. The CWA also has a lovely park right next to it which is a bonus.

The Celebration

The Afghans said that they really enjoyed themselves and were very happy with having an opportunity to get together and have a ‘party’. They really do enjoy getting together but it is difficult as they are all working and leading very busy lives.  The only get together for special events such as Eid after Ramadan.

As workers it is really good to see everyone together and to be able to sit down, talk, eat and enjoy each other’s company.

Want to know more?
If you would like to know more about this story; any of the featured people or would like to submit an idea for an upcoming story, please get in touch.